In the early 20th century, it seems most books deemed as suitable for children relied heavily up talking critters, or really, really boring short stories about life on a farm. The Droning Voice was able to procure a healthy selection of works by Arthur Scott Bailey, which are stories about birds and animals from the critter’s point of view. Given the coloration of the main character in “The tale of Reddy Woodpecker”, ornithologists everywhere will be appalled.
If the listener believes their child will instinctively understand that, in actual reality, birds don’t dress up in top-hats and bonnets, and sing rather than talk (certain avian species excepted), that said child will not be scarred for life by the author’s anthropromorphisizing said animals/birds, then these are great selections to put any whining kid to sleep, as well as whining adults. Beware of certain archaic terms creeping into your vocabulary, though The Droning Voice is all for exhuming at least some of the turns of phrases.
If your child comes to you wanting to wear “gay clothing”, it might be a phrase picked up from one of these books.
Maybe. You never know.
Here are links to the Children’s Fiction droned by The Droning Voice:
Bunny Brown and His Sister Sue