How Do I Use The Droning Voice?

We agree, you probably want to hear what it’s like, first. The Droning Voice allows you to sample her droning for 7 days at no cost. You go here and after you click that little “I agree” box, you get to click the bar that says “Join Free for 7 Days.”

After you’ve decided you like what she has to offer, she thinks you’ll agree that paying $5 a month for it is a great deal, and you will subscribe here. When you do that, immediately sends the details about how to access The Droning Voice’s content to your phone or other device.

Note that an annual subscription will save you 20% compared to a monthly subscription.

It was a challenge to figure out how to make this work. Apparently the idea of charging money for your intellectual property is relatively new to some people who frequent Al Gore’s brainchild, here. The Droning Voice is accustomed to receiving a reasonable fee for her effort.

Finally, in March 2021, Apple of all people realized there was money to be made by accommodating this egregious idea that intellectual property had value to its creators, and they started up their cute little Apple version of “how to charge for your Podcast.”

It made sense to frame it like a Podcast (although it’s not really a Podcast) but The Droning Voice did not want to be caught dead affiliating with Apple for anything, dag nabbit. Her instincts were quickly assuaged when she learned that PCs still outsell Apples by 15 to 1, and Androids outsell Apples by 4 to 1 globally.

So the search was on for a non-Apple-based platform where she could charge a modest fee for her priceless contribution to the world of insomnia. Lo and behold, Mr. Somner, the one with bedrights to Her Droning Highness, and who also provides the grease to keep this web site slick, found other options. Upon lengthy consideration, he encouraged The Droning Voice to select as her partner in the delicate monetization of her labors.

Whereas PC users cannot use Apple’s platform without drinking Apple Koolaid, Apple users are welcome at The Droning Voice’s portal.